Introducing FeatBit

3 min readDec 4, 2022


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FeatBit is a scalable, high-performance, and 100% open-source Feature management software that empowers all teams to deliver, control, experiment with, and monetize their software.


Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer headaches. It demands a responsive iterative heartbeat based on feedback from the previous iteration and changing customer needs. Steady your heartbeat by making your iteration length constant, then shorten the length to less than you think.

If you ship faster, you get feedback faster, innovate faster, and grow your business faster.

To achieve this, you need a collaborative effort with all teams in your company instead of only engineering teams. Encouraging communication and collaboration between teams throughout the software development lifecycle.

You need a tool that steadies your iterative heartbeat and empowers collaborations. BizDevOps is a good method, and Feature management software is the must-have tool.

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A feature flag tool — ship faster

Firstly, FeatBit is an infrastructure-level open-source tool for feature flags.

Feature flags is a modern engineering technology that decouples code deployments from feature releases, giving you control over which end-users see which features.

With feature flags, you can progressively release or roll back individual features to or from a specific group of users without redeployment. You can toggle a feature on and off to subsets of users. Feature flags mainly help engineer teams to:

  1. Reduce delivery risk & lower deployment stress
  2. Speed up feature release
  3. Enable experimental feature development
  4. Achieve continuous delivery
  5. Etc.

A feature management software — innovate faster

More than a feature flag tool, FeatBit is a feature management platform.

Feature management is a new class of software development tools and techniques rooted in feature flags. It provides a holistic framework for feature flag-driven development, A/B testing, and experimentation, enabling teams to use flags on a massive scale across a variety of use cases.

Feature management empowers all teams to deliver, control, experiment with, and monetize their software.

  • Help product managers to improve user experience by fine-grained targeting for who sees what experiences and when, measuring the impact of features’ rollouts, and running A/B tests to improve feature quality.
  • Enable Sales and Customer Success to close more deals with live demos and feature trials at the push of a button.
  • Help Support debug exactly which features and tests a customer has for faster resolution.
  • Give Marketing and Design the ability to fine-tune target audiences, coordinate announcements, and manage special customer programs.
  • Empower finance teams quickly get the billing report of how customers used and paid for the different features and subscriptions.
  • Etc.

How FeatBit empowers BizDevOps.

BizDevOps encourage communication and collaboration between teams throughout the software development lifecycle, creating an environment that supports innovation, efficiency, and ultimately, benefits the bottom line in the form of a reduction of costs and a greater return of profits.

What is important to achieve BizDevOps is to gradually delegate the control of a feature to the team most responsible for the outcome of that feature (e.g., a product manager ensuring that customers are satisfied with a given feature). This could be like transferring the ownership of a feature from Engineering to Product Management, then from Product Management to Marketing, and so on.

The picture above is from

Feature management is there to enable Progressive Delivery, and the core use cases of Empower exemplify progressive delegation.

Why FeatBit? Our Philosophy

The top 1% of companies spend thousands of hours building their own feature management platforms in-house. The other 99% are left paying for expensive 3rd party SaaS tools or hacking together unmaintained open source libraries.

We want to give all companies the flexibility and power of a fully-featured in-house feature management platform without needing to build it themselves.

Who we are

We are scattered all over the world, France, China, etc.

FeatBit was funded By MiraclPlus (ex YC China) created by Qi.

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Full-stack Engineer (From Javascript, C# to Cloud, DevOps)